SYNERGIES builds on the outcomes of six previous projects (ENGAGE, RESILOC, LINKS, IMPACT, BUILDERS, Ready2Help), coupled with a through analysis of current needs and best practices in preparedness as identified by end-users.

These valuable insights, combined with ongoing activities involving end-users, will serve as foundational elements across various thematic work areas, each dedicated to specific facets of disaster management and preparedness.

The project’s methodology follows a structured approach, where the results from past projects, in tandem with end-user feedback and analysis, are systematically channeled into distinct streams of work.

These streams are focused on developing a spectrum of tools that address specific aspects of preparedness. Notably, the project strategically concentrates on three concrete scenarios, or Preparedness Cases, to act as real-world laboratories. These cases intricately examine local conditions, preparedness needs, and serve as dynamic testbeds for proposing, implementing, and refining innovative solutions.

A thematic focus lies in empowering disaster management actors by harmonising outcomes related to those engaged in disaster management, with a dedicated effort in volunteer management, recognising the critical role of spontaneous volunteers. This targeted research and synthesis aim to heighten the effectiveness of disaster management strategies.

Flexible and adaptable preparedness plans are designed to coordinate their contributions effectively when the need arises.

Concurrently, the project delves into innovative channels and communication strategies, exploring novel and effective methods to disseminate information on disaster preparedness.

By leveraging these innovative channels, SYNERGIES aims to enhance engagement, awareness, and understanding among various stakeholders.

Special attention is dedicated to the crucial aspects of exploitation and sustainability to ensure the enduring effectiveness of the solutions developed and the adaptability of lessons applicable beyond their specific locations.


Navigable Atlas of Best Practices and guidance material for citizen empowerment

Knowledge Base for Innovative Channels and Communication

Early Warning Tool

Support System for integrating Spontaneous volunteers in
preparedness plans

Table top game on role of spontaneous volunteers

Roadmap and training

Self Assessment
preparedness tool



Deep Blue srl

Webgenesys spa

Sintef as

Resilience Advisors Network

Safety Innovation Center GGMBH

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Istituto di Sociologia Internazionale di Gorizia

TARTU Ulikool

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

Openbaar Lichaam Gezamenlijke Brandweer

Save The Children Italia

International Safety Training College Limited

Sciences Reunion – Centre De Culture Scientifique Technique Et Industrielle

Regional Council Northern Region

Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis

Agence Observat Amenage Habitat Reunion


Explored how citizens, and first responders can interrelate effectively considering the influence of contextual aspects.

Studied and implemented methods and tools for the assessment of resilience indicators in a community.

Aimed at understanding, assessing and managing the role of social media and crowdsourcing on disaster resilience in Europe.

Investigated the role of cultural factors when managing safety and security issues related to emergencies.

Investigated the role of societal resilience to strengthen social capital, risk awareness and preparedness of the vulnerable segments of society.

Promoted and organised the participation of volunteers before and during emergencies.


B-prepared builds a Collaborative Knowledge Management System about disaster preparedness and showcases its usability through three demonstrator applications: a gamified geocaching mobile application for the widest possible reach, a virtual reality serious game for the safest near-real experience and a learning management system to measure progress of users across all applications.

The Societal Resilience Cluster (SRC) is a subset of the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS) made-up of projects working on thematic and related research areas under the Disaster Resilient Societies (DRS) framework. It is facilitated through the offices of the Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe (CMINE) with the purpose of promoting good practice in research through collaboration whilst recognising opportunities for efficiency wherever appropriate through combined activity such as dissemination events.

RESILIAGE’s mission is to provide novel knowledge and impactful solutions for exploiting Europe’s hidden and unused resource: community resilience. The project will enable a step-change in Disaster Risk Management by co-creating resilient communities through digital tools and soft solutions consolidated in a holistic and systemic approach.

The Societal Resilience Cluster (SRC) is a subset of the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS) made-up of projects working on thematic and related research areas under the Disaster Resilient Societies (DRS) framework. It is facilitated through the offices of the Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe (CMINE) with the purpose of promoting good practice in research through collaboration whilst recognising opportunities for efficiency wherever appropriate through combined activity such as dissemination events.